Ensuring well-crafted content is essential for effective communication with internet users, enhancing search performance and engagement with articles or stories can be a challenging task.

So now in this article, we will go deep into how you can use the content audit to make your website or article perform well on the search engine for better results. To determine if your content is working well and you are getting the right conversion for your website over some years back, you need the use of content auditors to help you make your content work harder for you

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First, let’s look into specific questions as follows: after the end of this article, you will be able to run a good-performing content audit for your website, maybe probably get more organic traffic and great conversion

What Is Content Audit In Seo?

Content audit in SEO is a process of analyzing the content that is written on your website to show how your content is performing for you to establish or determine if your website is getting better and how you can improve to get more traffic.

There are many steps involved in content audit in SEO, but first, you need certain thought of your main objective, or may I say objectives that will review your strengths and weaknesses in your content planning and strategy workflow which can determine in other for you to be able to adapt to your next content plan marketing goals.

When done correctly, you will know much better and be able to find gaps in your content in other to adjust the strategy you need in other for you to organize yourself and your content which will take you to your next step which includes optimizing, updating, creating, repurposing

Why Is A Content Audit Useful?

The use of content audit is to understand what is necessary for your website to perform much better, that way you will be able to know certain pages of your site that are not performing well, why they aren’t working, and finally how you can be able to fix those problems on your site.

Content audits help to ensure that you’re on top of your content marketing. This allows you to track metrics and content performance more efficiently, make data-backed decisions; and shift your attention to what’s working and what needs to be done to get you to where you want to be.

According to Innovation Visual which gives their reason for content audit usefulness Content audits can also help you improve your site reach with effective SEO techniques giving you a better understanding of optimization opportunities and highlighting where errors, such as broken links, should be fixed, to not only improve your site’s SEO but user experience too.

By understanding what your target customers are searching for online you can provide the right content for them at the right time. To be clear on at content you need to be delivering you should have a good understanding of what they are searching for.

Useful tools such as SEMrush or Answer the Public help you discover what people are searching for online by gathering data on different search terms being used around a specific topic. This allows for a better understanding of the content that should be created to target your specific users.

By ensuring that targeted keywords are implemented where relevant and metadata is optimized your content will perform better and rank higher in search results. Performing well on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) will transform the success of your content and deliver new and better-qualified leads into your sales funnel.

How Do You Use Content Audit?

If you want to enhance the performance of your site, there are various steps to be taken on how to use content audit. Now let’s begin with the steps you need to follow:

  • State your goals and metrics
  • Make a detailed list of your content
  • Do a data analysis and data collection
  • Start a content action plan
  • Improve your content marketing strategy

1. State your goals and metrics

A content audit can be a very difficult task to do as it can take much processing to achieve this aim, but first, as a website owner or maybe having a blog site, certain things need to be done or thought of in other to enhance the performance of your site which I would like us to evaluate these thoughts in our mind as we read through this article, so the question is simple, first thing is to picture in your heart your business, then what are the benefits you will from your content audit? Finally, what will be the result you want to achieve from your content audit to enhance your site’s performance?

2. Make a detailed list of your content

Before you start making a detailed list of your content for auditing, first you need to take note of certain things like what kind of content you are going to review for audit. Although, the main reason is on “how do you use content audit” so for you to enhance good performance of your content first you need to take note by

  • Collecting the URL of your web pages that you wish to analyze for auditing there are many content audit sites out there, but I will recommend the best in the market space which are “semrush”, “ubersuggest”, and finally, “aherfs”
  • Arrange your content, this way after you have done the collection of the URLs to your web pages, you need to arrange them in a spreadsheet to help you keep track of the information on your web pages for your content.

3. Do a data analysis and data collection

One of the most complex and difficult processes is where you have to collect multiple data information sources and add them manually to your spreadsheet. In other for the way technology has made things simpler, the best way is the make use of content audit tools that will help you collect multiple data information automatically.

4. Start a content action plan

Planning is one of the significant aspects of content auditing, you need to make sure that your goal is been set then finally draw out your analysis goals for your site.

How Do You Audit A Website?

A website audit is an examination of the performance of pages on your website on search engine optimization (SEO) or a website redesign. Making an audit for your website is a very good thing to do as it helps you determine whether or not your site is been optimized in other to be able to achieve your goal of traffic achievement.

Characteristics Of A Website Audit

There are various types of website audits, now we will dive into these 4 types of audits for your website

category page, a blog from your site, or a social media post, is content and should be included in your audit. It’s important to include every single piece of content you have to give you an idea of what you’re initially working with, what you need, what you don’t need, and what could be made better. Anything that has been written for your business is potentially valuable content and great to start with. It’s useful to see the full picture so you can begin to make changes, repurpose, delete or update your content over time.

  • SEO Link Audit
  • Competitive Website Audit
  • Social Media Audit
  • SEO Website Audit

1. SEO audit:

Audit linking is the process of pointing to the link of your website in other to find potential issues that are wrong with your website or backlink opportunities on your profile. This helps you optimize your website well.

2. Competitive website audit

This helps you to keep track of your competitor and their online strategies which they use to help you see what opportunities your brand could be missing out on.

In the form of a competitive audit, you will need some software that will help you to streamline the way. This kind of audit can make you discover new and better ways.

3. Social Media Audit

Branding on social media performance can be of great importance as the auditing can show the rate of your social media presence, so come to think it when you notice your presence anymore, then you need to cross-check and do a social media audit for it.

4. SEO Website Audit

An SEO audit helps in cross-checking the performance of the sites and other aspects such as keyword usage, content, metadata, page speed, user journey, and video optimization.

What Does A Website Audit Check?

A website audit check is an overall checklist of the performance of your website which enhances the flow of traffic to your pages in your website and includes the technicality performance of your site, SEO, web content, design, and accessibility.

Which Is One Of The Seo Audit Tools?

There are many SEO audit tools to be considered and there are tools that can be used for SEO for your audit, so we are going to list a few SEO content audits




Google Analytics

Google Trends


HubSpot SEO Marketing Software

1. Ahref

Ahrefs is an advanced SEO resource that examines your website property and produces keyword, link, and ranking profiles to help you make better decisions on your content.

2. Semrush

SEMrush is an elaborate dashboard that reports on the performance of domains as a whole and their specific pages.

3. Kwfinder

KWFinder is a great software that fills the gap between nuts-and-bolts SEO work and copywriting.

4. Google trends

Google Trends is a great place to explore the untapped potential that can yield a large keyword landscape for your website. You’ll want to note that Google Trends isn’t where you’ll get granular data.

5. Google Analytics

Google Search Console, In doing so, all of your website’s SEO data will be centrally located and compiled, and you can use queries to identify areas for improvement with the keywords and phrases that you want your website and web pages to rank for.

6. Hubspot SEO marketing software

Hubspot understands exactly what can be done to improve the SEO of that website. With HubSpot’s Website Grader, simply enter the URL of your website to automatically receive a report card with actionable insights about your SEO efforts.

7. Answer the public

AnswerThePublic is a search listening and keyword tool that listens to autocomplete data from Google and other search engines and then provides you with a list of phrases and questions that people are searching for around your keyword. This allows you to craft your website and content for your audience to increase traffic and conversions.

Which Tool Is The Best For Doing A Content Audit?

Well, my thought on tools that can be good for content audit differs, why do I say so, it is because will have to take a good look at various software in the online market space, but thinking of the best and good content audit tool to use I will suggest you make use of Google Analytics, this tool alone is very popular because it is owned by google itself and tool can perform all most anything like provides comprehensive statistics that help to study visitors’ behaviour in details, not only that is can help you to find out which of your posts attract more visitors, and which pages have the highest bounce rate.

Is there software for auditing?

I would say a yes and no, why is that so, it is because that software takes a process to analyze the contents and the risk performance that will determine the enhancement performance of the site and also perform both the internal and external data information to the website.

How Often Should You Do A Content Audit?

To get a well-enhanced performance of your website, you need to do a content audit at least every 3-6 months, that way it gives you response and adaptiveness of users’ behaviour and their various needs. To audit, every three months give you predictive analytics which may shore up shallow data pools and empower you to make better-informed decisions.

Content audit questions

Publishing content can take a while and there are various question that needs to be put in place The following questions will help reveal areas of growth potential

1. Are You Focused On The Critical Aspects Of Your Business?

Seo’s approach toward the aspect of your content has a value that improves your content and visibility on search engines, but an excellent place to start is your business objectives, customers, and future customers.

2. What Tools Would Suit Your Content Audit?

Using the right tools that suit your continent audit helps make lighter work of your content audit and helps provide the information that you need.

3. Have You Listed All Your Web Pages?

Your webpage sitemap is to ensure you have every page listed. This will get you started right away and prevent any haphazard listing of pages wherein some may be overlooked. You can export the list of web pages to a spreadsheet, which can become the repository for your content audit.

What Fields Do You Need On Your Spreadsheet?

Collecting URLs and other relevant and associated information is key to making the spreadsheet a useful tool for informing your content strategy.

What Data Do You Need To Add?

There are necessary data that needs To make the content audit useful, you don’t just need the URLs and relevant associated fields; you’ll also need to know how each content piece is performing. The Data point could be included in your Google search console impressions data. Pages with zero impressions for a long time are likely to have little value from an SEO point of view.

What Other Issues Can You Identify?

Identifying other issues on site can include the following:

  • Missing metadata – this could include titles, tags, or meta descriptions.
  • Poor keyword optimization – this could result in duplicate content and content that is misaligned with search intent.
  • Orphaned pages – internal SEO is important. Backlinks, guest posts, etc. won’t matter if your site isn’t healthy.
  • Broken links – if you have been publishing content for a while, then the chances are that you’ll have broken links. A tool like Ahrefs can help deal with that.
  • Keyword cannibalization – This occurs when two or more pieces of content rank for the same keyword. Deoptimizing the other content pieces or using 301 redirects to the remaining content, removes the issue and allows it to rank much higher.
  • Unoptimized images – image sizes may be too large or not optimized, impacting page speed scores.
  • Poor readability – Readability is a quality measure used by search engines and can determine bounce rates and linkability potential.
  • Poor UX – consider UX good practices that impact time spent on a page, the likelihood of going to another page, and whether they are likely to return.

Final thought

The major solution that creates content auditing which enhances the performance of your website, that way you will know much better about your website or page
