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We have experienced substantial growth beyond our initial expectations, achieved through the implementation of proprietary rules and stringent regulations. This deliberate approach has resulted in the creation of a vibrant community characterized by love, happiness, and the inclusion of digital marketers from around the globe.

For those interested in advertising on our platform, we invite you to connect with us via email. We offer a dedicated and exclusive advertising portal, empowering advertisers to target users on our platform using various tools and factors. This singular portal serves as the gateway to leverage our advertising space.

While we welcome ads of various types, certain categories such as tobacco, drug abuse, explicit content, affiliate scams, Ponzi schemes, bitcoin-related offers, and businesses lacking ethical standards will not be accepted on our platform. Depending on the nature of your campaign, we may request additional information, including company details, reviews, and verifiable documents.

For advertising inquiries, please contact our Ads Manager at When reaching out, include details such as the nature of your advertisement, your role, duration, budget, display type, and conversion model (e.g., lead, CPC, or CPM). Please refrain from sending materials until an agreement has been reached.

For background takeovers of our website sections, please contact Note that a minimum budget of $10,000 is required for this type of advertising, and we only accept a three-month duration. Upon your email inquiry, we will provide an ROI assurance list to govern our partnership.

Regarding partnerships or sponsorships, we host an annual marketing hangout, bringing together marketers, entrepreneurs, and tech professionals for discussions and engagement. If you wish to be a sponsor or partner, please email us at Be aware that sponsorship opportunities are limited, and we recommend marking event dates when published on our social media handles.

For all other inquiries, kindly email us at, and we will strive to respond promptly. Please avoid sending query or appeal emails, as they will not be attended to; use the “Contact Us” section for such matters.

Thank you,
MSS Discuss Committee.
