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I hired some group of writers to help me write some of my drafted articles, but the outcome is outrageous and seems like an AI written content, the article’s are just filled with “in digital world” pivotal ” crucial ” ...Read more

I hired some group of writers to help me write some of my drafted articles, but the outcome is outrageous and seems like an AI written content, the article’s are just filled with “in digital world” pivotal ” crucial ” and many AI related words. I know people use this sentences but AI use it more this days.

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I recently joined Adsterra affiliate program, and since am a newbie in blogging am trying to get free traffic source that i can use to promote my affiliate offers apart from Facebook, i have used Facebook and joined other groups ...Read more

I recently joined Adsterra affiliate program, and since am a newbie in blogging am trying to get free traffic source that i can use to promote my affiliate offers apart from Facebook, i have used Facebook and joined other groups but it not working and no conversions.

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