We are hiring category moderators for Discuss, but this employment is limited and available to only people that understand and has familariaze themselve with mss discuss guidelines and understand the word "moderator" the pay is good so as we expect you to be good, before you apply kindly visit our Forum guideline and memorize it word by word

What is your biological nameset Enter your discuss username in the field above Enter your discuss email above Kindly choose from above categories your favorite category What is your profession, e.g blogger, marketer or no profession Tell us why we should employ you write some unique reasons about why we should employ you, we receive many applications why should yours be accepted Tell us how much you will be expecting as a salary for this job Tell us what is your level of education Be ready familarize yourself with our forum guidines and wait for our email if we find your submission a good fit Submission doesn't gurantee approval our team will still review this information and if we find it good fit then we will email you with a response